
How Bad Do You Want It

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Proverbs 13 vs. 4 (BSB)
The slacker craves yet has nothing, but the soul of the diligent is fully satisfied.

Years ago, when the Wii first came out, there was a frenzy surrounding its release, as it happens with all new and innovative things. We decided to jump on the bandwagon and try to secure one. We were informed that the store would open promptly at midnight for shopping, but the first console would not sell until 6:00 a.m. I remember getting to the store at 5:00 a.m. At the time, that seemed like a good idea; after all, getting up that early seemed like a big enough inconvenience and sacrifice, so I was certain I could claim the thing I came for. When I walked into the store, I noticed that the line for electronics was wrapped around the entire interior of the floor, and first in line was a wise senior citizen sitting in a lawn chair, knitting quietly. I remember leaving the store having nothing but respect for her as I recognized that she truly wanted it more than I did; thus, she did what she had to in order to have it.

You keep telling yourself that there are things that you want: better health, a better job, a better relationship, but when you procrastinate, you distance yourself from the thing you desire because you are not willing to put in the work. It is not easy to deprive ourselves of comfort, convenience, and all the things that satisfy us, but when we are willing to make the hard choice and finally go after what we want, another type of comfort and satisfaction comes with it; it’s called accomplishment. May you have the courage not just to want something but to actually go after it and position yourself where there is great certainty that you will have that which you desire.