Showing 19 Result(s)

A King’s Table

Most of us are common men and women. Therefore we are not accustomed to all the intricacies of manners and behaviors in high courts and palaces, nor do we dine daily on the unusual dainties that we might find at the king’s table. When King Solomon wrote this, he desired to save the lives of those who may have a once in a lifetime honor to sit at the king’s table…

Will I Ever Get Up

Today we are going to address an issue that is near and dear to many a man’s hearts, and that is “Sex.” I understand that we live in a culture that has made it more acceptable to keep sex on a casual basis. However, many people still enjoy sex as a powerful way of bonding, cementing and perpetuating a relationship, thus when there is a problem in the execution…

Are You Mad?

There is a vine that grows in South America called “the matador” when translated it means “killer.” This vine begins by growing at the foot of a tree, and as it winds up the tree, it slowly strangles the very life out of its host. When it reaches the top of the tree, it then blooms like a flower as if in some strange way it has gained a victory. Are you holding…

Inner Turmoil

Would it surprise you to know that your thoughts and feeling are working closely together to drive your behaviors and your emotions? Moreover, as hard as you may try the two cannot be separated. Since the mind and emotions affect a wide range of abilities and responses, mental and emotional coherence are of the utmost importance. Vision, listening ability, reaction…

Who Is Minding The Store?

The body has 12 systems, the integumentary, skeleton, muscular, immune, lymphatic, cardiovascular, urinary, digestive, respiratory, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems, and each one runs like a finely tuned machine communicating with one another so that there is no interruption in the business of your day. When one or more of your systems stall or crash…


Green algae often exposed to sunlight due to growing in shallow water survives an extreme and harsh environment by making astaxanthin which is a red colored antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that would otherwise bring harm to the algae. Salmon, lobster, and crabs, often get their red color from eating these algae. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid which is a…

Where Is Your Balm

There is nothing sadder in life than to see something wasted. We have all seen athletes with exceptional talent sidelined because they have not used the same amount of diligence in mastering their weaknesses as they have in mastering their athletic ability. We have witnessed those who come from an excellent family pedigree, refuse to treat with respect the…

Stumped By A Lump

Is your body trying to tell you something, do you suffer from indigestion, anemia, heart disease, arthritis, fibroids, diabetes, and the list goes on and on? I clearly remember the day, when my cousin asked me to go on a medical appointment with her to see her Doctor. Her test results had come back, and the Doctor wanted to discuss the results of her mammogram…


Also known as Chinese parsley, cilantro is the leafy green part of the plant. This herb is a powerful antioxidant because just a small amount meets the daily requirements for Vitamin A and Vitamin K. This herb also has healthy amounts of Vitamin C along with Manganese, Magnesium, and Potassium. Many consider it a superfood because of its powerful healing properties…

Make Yourself At Home

These words, “make yourself at home” are generally spoken to a welcome guest, someone who will not take advantage of your kindness, who will treat your home with respect and not disrupt or steal the things that you have worked so hard for. Your home is a place of safety, where those who are most valuable to you live, and where you place your treasures. The thought…